Malt is an “author”-type studio that embodies the concept and creation studio of the “author” from the original point of design. With a composite identity of design and concept communication, we integrate the process of insight into things and the voicing of concepts into our design creation. Involves working in diverse fields and across media.

2016年,2M2 DESIGN INC.受邀为malt Studio重塑品牌形象及平台体验,榮獲2016 A’DESIGN AWARD最佳媒體設計獎。恭喜2M2 DESIGN INC及malt studio团队。2017,請期待更美更天馬行空的malt。
In 2016, 2M2 DESIGN INC. was invited to reshape the brand image and platform experience for malt Studio, and won the 2016 A’DESIGN AWARD for Best Media Design.Congratulations to 2M2 DESIGN INC and malt studio team.In 2017, please look forward to a more beautiful and unconstrained malt.